2S7 - Tracked Self Propelled 203mm Gun - Pion

2S7 - Tracked Self Propelled 203mm Gun - Pion - ( Page 1, Page 2 , Page 3  - Artillery - Main )

2S7 - Tracked Self Propelled 203mm Gun 2S7 - Tracked Self Propelled 203mm Gun 2S7 - Tracked Self Propelled 203mm Gun 2S7 - Tracked Self Propelled 203mm Gun 2S7 - Tracked Self Propelled 203mm Gun
2S7 - Tracked Self Propelled 203mm Gun 2S7 - Tracked Self Propelled 203mm Gun 2S7 - Tracked Self Propelled 203mm Gun 2S7 - Tracked Self Propelled 203mm Gun 2S7 - Tracked Self Propelled 203mm Gun

Photos by Vladimir Yakubov, Jacques Littlefield's Military Vehicle Technology Foundation , USA

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Vyacheslav Ryzhenkov / Penza, Russia / 1998-2008